Labor Office Claims

Labor Office Claims
Work and occupation are the main basis for the rotation and prosperity of the economy of any country. In this regard, the study of issues related to labor and workers and the relationship between workers and employers is one of the important issues in today’s society that requires more attention from officials and legislators. Apart from the fact that workers are not fully aware of their rights and entitlements, in most countries of the world, the workers have been neglected in the field of labor rights, which highlights the need for a lawyer to be present in these cases.
Worker and Employer Lawsuits
Worker and employer lawsuits may be due to disagreement or disagreement on issues such as; salary, insurance, quitting or dissatisfaction of either party with the existing employment agreement. An attempt is made to resolve the labor-employer dispute through compromise between the two parties. If there is no compromise, the dispute resolution and resolution boards will resolve the dispute.
According to the labor law, a worker is someone who works in any capacity in exchange for wages and other benefits at the request of the employer. All people covered by this definition are considered workers by law, and there is no difference between a workshop guard and a technical manager. An employer is also a person who, at his request and on his own credit, works in exchange for wages and other benefits. Managers and officials who are in charge of managing the workshop are considered the representative of the employer.
Labor Law
In the labor law, dispute resolution authorities are divided into two categories: diagnostic boards (as a primary authority) and dispute resolution boards (as a review authority), and in each province, several dispute resolution boards are provided according to the size of that province. In the event of a dispute in the employee-employer relationship, including dismissal without a valid reason, non-payment of wages, benefits and other issues, the employee through a direct compromise between him and the employer can resolve the dispute through the Workers’ Union or the legal representative of the workers and the employer refer to the relevant labor office to file a lawsuit. The labor office has the authority to handle disputes between the worker and the employer in which the workshop is located.
In cases due to the fault and negligence of the employer, which raise the issue of compensation and damages, is the authorities and courts of justice that have jurisdiction over the matter. Also, if there is an insult or obscenity between the worker and the employer, the prosecutor’s office will have jurisdiction which are among the general laws.
In addition to enforcing the rulings issued by the courts of justice, the Judiciary Enforcement Division also enforces the rulings of the dispute resolution authorities that have been finalized. The writ of execution is issued by the Office of Justice and notified to the worker or employer. If the vote orders the worker to return to the workshop and resume his activities, or is required to pay the worker’s wages, the employer must implement the ruling within 10 days of receiving the writ of execution.
If you have any questions regarding the claims of the Labor Office and its rulings, or if you need guidance in preparing and enforcing its provisions, our experienced counselors and lawyers at the Asia Lawyers Group will answer your questions.