Marriage Portion

Marriage Portion
According to the law, as soon as the marriage takes place, the wife becomes the owner of the marriage portion and can claim her marriage portion from the husband even the day after the marriage is concluded.
How the wife acts to obtain the marriage portion:
If the marriage portion is in cash or in the form of cash such as coins and gold, the woman with the official marriage document can go to the marriage office or the registry office (located in the registry office of the place of marriage) and in a special form in which The circle is available to apply for an executive order.
The execution will be notified to the husband and he will be given 10 days to pay his wife’s request. If the husband does not pay his debt during this period, the wife can apply for confiscation by introducing the husband’s property and assets to the registry, and she can also confiscate the husband’s claims from other persons or his bank account balance. The wife can also request the confiscation of the husband’s rights from public or private organizations and institutions, up to a quarter of the salary (as long as the husband is married) and a third of it (if the husband and wife separate and until the husband takes another wife). If the marriage portion is a coin or gold and the husband is unable to pay the principal, the price on the day of their claim (the day the wife claims it through the registry or the court) is the criterion for the legal execution of the sentence. If the marriage certificate is not official, the woman must apply to the court to claim her marriage portion.
Marriage Portion Claim Authorities
The following can be mentioned regarding the request for marriage portion:
1. Family Court:
By submitting a legal petition to the Special Family Court, the wife can claim her marriage portion, the stamp cancellation fee and the lawyer’s attorney’s fee, and at the same time request the confiscation of her husband’s property.
2. Demand for marriage portion through the registration of official documents:
A woman can claim her marriage portion through the registration of official documents by submitting her marriage certificate to the office of the place of registration of the contract and requesting the issuance of a writ of execution. The government pays the executive fee, which will later be taken from the husband, in which case the money, whether in cash or movable property (car-mobile… ..) or immovable property (property) will be seized, provided that the part religions are not exceptions.
How to pay installments and marriage portion
A usurpation lawsuit is a simple lawsuit in which a man declares that his wife’s marriage portion will be paid in installments, given that her husband has demanded a marriage portion and she is unable to pay the marriage portion in one lump sum. In each bill, there must be at least four witnesses who can be both female and male. The man’s income, living conditions, owning a house or car, and the like are things the judge asks intuition.
If you have any questions about marriage portion and related legal provisions, or if you need guidance in preparing and enforcing the provisions of the petition and the dowry bill, our experienced consultants and lawyers at the Asia Lawyers Group will answer your questions.