Property claims and registration matters

Property claims and registration matters
Real estate lawsuits happen in connection with real estate. The high importance of real estate related lawsuits has made us decide to provide you with important information about the types of real estate lawsuits in this article.
Classification of types of property claims
The legal cases in the judicial centers have shown that the most famous and common real estate claims are divided into three categories.
1 – Legal property claims
Legal property claims are among the most important property claims that include many court cases. The number of people who refer to the courts for solving real estate disputes is so large that we can say that these lawsuits are among the most important legal lawsuits.
Real estate lawyers can help us a lot in this regard by examining the specialized laws related to real estate and putting together the evidence.
In this category of cases, fraud has not occurred, but due to inattention and negligence, problems arose that people alone are not able to solve. The best thing is that people refer to expert lawyers to solve such problems within the framework of the law.
Revocation of the contract, obligation to draw up a document, cancellation of affidavit, etc. are among the most important and discussed real estate legal claims.
2- Criminal property lawsuits
When it comes to punishment, we realize that the subject of our discussion is the request for punishment.
Criminal civil lawsuits are those complaints that happened intentionally. People refer to legal authorities to solve criminal civil lawsuits with the aim of dealing with the crime and punishing the perpetrator.
Usually, in this category of lawsuits, the fraudster has deceived the plaintiff with the aim of obtaining a lot of money and wealth. Plaintiffs are trying to recover their lost rights by referring to legal authorities and suing the criminal.
Forgery of documents, sale of other’s property, interference and obstruction of rights are among the most important criminal property claims.
3 -Registered property claims
As their name suggests, registered real estate claims are related to the issuance of ownership documents and occur at the stage of document registration.
Although this category of real estate claims is part of legal real estate claims, they are categorized separately due to the variety and increase of legal cases. Property separation, issuance of conflicting documents are among the most important registered real estate claims.